Technology Trees

From Total War Modding
Revision as of 17:18, 21 January 2021 by Aexrael (talk | contribs) (Modding Technology Trees in the TWW trilogy)
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Modding technologies in TWW is very similar to modding Skills for agents.

Overview of the tables






Technology Node Sets

Technology Table

The Technologies table defines the technology key used in the other tables, the icon shown in the tech tree and it also contains a unique identifier.

Technology Effects

The Technology Effects table is where you junction the technology key from the Technologies Table with the effect key from the effects table, alongside an effect scope and the value of the effect.

Technology Nodes and Node Links

Technology nodes is where the technology key from Technologies table is junctioned to a faction’s technology node set key which defines the culture which will use the corresponding node set key. The technology node set key is sadly, at this point of writing, locked behind the compiled startpos and it is not possible to change it, or assign different keys to different cultures or factions. This poses a problem if you were interested in editing technology trees in such a way that different factions, within the same culture, have a different tree. There are some workarounds for this which will be described later on in the guide.

Technology nodes is also where we junction the technology key to a unique node key, which is used for the technology node links and technology ui groups to node junction table.

Technology node links is where we link technology node keys together, to create dependencies between various technologies in the tree.

As an example if we look at the vanilla technology tech_vmp_bones_02a we can see that in the local_en.pack it is the Risen Standard Bearers technology, also further hinted at by the use of the icon wh_main_vmp_risen_standard_bearers. If we look in the technology nodes table, we can see it is positioned in Indent -1, Tier 1.