Replacing a Starting General
Script by Aexrael Dex
Replaces the starting general for a specific faction
-- Rename replace_starting_general
local function replace_starting_general()
if cm:is_new_game() then
-- Creating replacement for Karl Franz with a regular Empire General
local general_faction_str = "wh_main_emp_empire"; -- faction key from factions table
local general_faction_obj = cm:get_faction(general_faction_str);
local general_unit_list = "wh_main_emp_cav_reiksguard,wh_main_emp_cav_reiksguard,wh_main_emp_cav_reiksguard"; -- unit keys from main_units table
local general_region_key = general_faction_obj:home_region():name(); -- the replacement general will spawn adjacent to the settlement in the home region for the faction
local general_x_pos, general_y_pos = cm:find_valid_spawn_location_for_character_from_settlement(
local general_type = "general"; -- agent type
local general_subtype = "emp_lord"; -- agent subtype
local general_forename = "names_name_1904032251"; -- from local_en names table, Bernhoff the Butcher is now ruler of Reikland
local general_clanname = ""; -- from local_en names table
local general_surname = ""; -- from local_en names table
local general_othername = ""; -- from local_en names table
local general_is_faction_leader = true; -- bool for whether the general being replaced is the new faction leader
-- Generals created this way does not come with a trait and aren't immortal
local char_str = cm:char_lookup_str(cqi);
-- Adding a new trait to the above general
cm:force_add_trait(char_str, "wh2_dlc09_trait_benevolence", true);
out("Adding a trait to " .. general_forename);
-- Making the new general immortal (!!Use Skill based immortality instead!!)
cm:set_character_immortality(char_str, true);
out("Making general with forename " .. general_forename .. " immortal");
out("Creating Neo_Karl Franz for Reikland");
-- Killing original Karl Franz
local char_list = general_faction_obj:character_list();
local leader_subtype = "emp_karl_franz"; -- Karl Franz's agent subtype
local leader_forename = "names_name_2147343849"; -- Karl Franz's forename
for i = 0, char_list:num_items() - 1 do
local current_char = char_list:item_at(i);
if current_char:is_null_interface() == false and current_char:character_subtype_key() == leader_subtype and current_char:get_forename() == leader_forename and current_char:has_military_force() == true then
cm:set_character_immortality("character_cqi:"..current_char:command_queue_index(), false); -- Removing Karl Franz's immortality
cm:disable_event_feed_events(true, "wh_event_category_character", "", ""); -- Disabling event feed messages for character related events
cm:kill_character(current_char:command_queue_index(), true, true); -- Killing Karl Franz
cm:callback(function() cm:disable_event_feed_events(false, "wh_event_category_character", "", "") end, 1); -- Enabling event feed messages for character related events
out("Killing original " .. leader_subtype .. " with forename " .. leader_forename .. " for " .. general_faction_str .. " permanently");
-- Rename replace_starting_general to match the function name at the top
cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() replace_starting_general() end);
Adding custom RoRs to mercenary pool
Script by Aexrael Dex
Adds custom Regiments of Reknown to defined factions
local function cror_initiator()
-- Checking whether the script has already run for saved games and if it has then the script doesn't need to run again
if cm:get_saved_value("custom_ror_enabled") == nil then
-- Table for faction, unit key and parameters for add_unit_to_faction_mercenary_pool
local cror_list = {
{faction = "wh_main_vmp_schwartzhafen", unit = "wh2_dlc11_cst_inf_zombie_deckhands_mob_ror_0", count = 1, rcp = 100, munits = 1, murpt = 0.1, xplevel = 0, frr = "", srr = "", trr = "", replen = false},
{faction = "wh_main_vmp_vampire_counts", unit = "wh2_dlc11_cst_inf_zombie_deckhands_mob_ror_0", count = 1, rcp = 100, munits = 1, murpt = 0.1, xplevel = 0, frr = "", srr = "", trr = "", replen = false}
-- Loop for the table above
for i = 1, #cror_list do
local faction_str = cror_list[i].faction; -- Faction whose pool the unit(s) should be added to
local faction_obj = cm:get_faction(faction_str); -- FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACE faction
local unit_key = cror_list[i].unit; -- Key of unit to add to the mercenary pool, from the main_units table
local unit_count = cror_list[i].count; -- Number of units to add to the mercenary pool
local rcp = cror_list[i].rcp; -- Replenishment chance, as a percentage
local munits = cror_list[i].munits; -- The maximum number of units of the supplied type that the pool is allowed to contain.
local murpt = cror_list[i].murpt; -- The maximum number of units of the supplied type that may be added by replenishment per-turn
local xplevel = cror_list[i].xplevel; -- The experience level of the units when recruited
local frr = cror_list[i].frr; -- (may be empty) The key of the faction who can actually recruit the units, from the factions database table
local srr = cror_list[i].srr; -- (may be empty) The key of the subculture who can actually recruit the units, from the cultures_subcultures database table
local trr = cror_list[i].trr; -- (may be empty) The key of a technology that must be researched in order to recruit the units, from the technologies database table
local replen = cror_list[i].replen; -- Allow replenishment of partial units
-- Adding the listed unit to the listed faction in the above table
cm:add_unit_to_faction_mercenary_pool(faction_obj, unit_key, unit_count, rcp, munits, murpt, xplevel, frr, srr, trr, replen);
-- Setting saved value, so that the script doesn't run again when reloaded from a saved game
cm:set_saved_value("custom_ror_enabled", true);
-- Debug message for log
out("adding the custom ror unit " .. unit_key .. " to " .. faction_str);
cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() cror_initiator() end);
Replacing Starting Armies
Script by Aexrael Dex
Replaces the starting units for the designated characters
-- Rename edit_starting_army
local function edit_starting_army()
if cm:is_new_game() then
local custom_starting_army = {
-- Vlad, Carsteins
{faction = "wh_main_vmp_schwartzhafen", subtype = "dlc04_vmp_vlad_con_carstein", forename = "names_name_2147345130", units = {"wh_main_vmp_inf_skeleton_warriors_0", "wh_main_vmp_inf_skeleton_warriors_0", "wh_main_vmp_mon_fell_bats", "wh_main_vmp_mon_fell_bats", "wh_main_vmp_cav_black_knights_0", "wh_main_vmp_cav_black_knights_0"}},
-- Isabella, Carsteins
{faction = "wh_main_vmp_schwartzhafen", subtype = "pro02_vmp_isabella_von_carstein", forename = "names_name_2147345124", units = {"wh_main_vmp_inf_zombie", "wh_main_vmp_inf_zombie", "wh_main_vmp_mon_dire_wolves", "wh_main_vmp_mon_dire_wolves", "wh_main_vmp_mon_fell_bats", "wh_main_vmp_mon_vargheists"}}
for i = 1, #custom_starting_army do
local faction_str = custom_starting_army[i].faction;
local faction_obj = cm:get_faction(faction_str);
local char_list = faction_obj:character_list();
local general_subtype = custom_starting_army[i].subtype;
local general_forename = custom_starting_army[i].forename;
local unit_list = custom_starting_army[i].units;
for j = 0, char_list:num_items() - 1 do
local current_char = char_list:item_at(j);
if current_char:is_null_interface() == false and current_char:character_subtype_key() == general_subtype and current_char:get_forename() == general_forename and current_char:has_military_force() == true then
out("Removing starting units from " .. general_subtype .. " with forename " .. general_forename);
for k = 1, #unit_list do
local unit = unit_list[k];
cm:grant_unit_to_character(cm:char_lookup_str(current_char:cqi()), unit);
out("Granting new starting units to " .. general_subtype .. " with forename " .. general_forename);
-- Rename edit_starting_army to match the function name at the top
cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() edit_starting_army() end);