Example Scripts: Difference between revisions

From Total War Modding
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cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() army_tweaks() end);</nowiki>
cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() army_tweaks() end);</nowiki>
=== Changing CAI based on chosen campaign difficulty ===
Script by Aexrael Dex
Replaces the Campaign AI Personality for specific factions depending on the chosen campaign difficulty level
local function replace_cai_difficulty()
if cm:is_new_game() == true then
local difficulty_str = cm:get_difficulty(true);
local def_personality = "";
local hef_personality = "";
local wef_personality = "";
-- CAI personality to use for easy difficulty
if difficulty_str == "easy" then
def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_easy";
hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_easy";
wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";
-- CAI personality to use for normal difficulty
elseif difficulty_str == "normal" then
def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early";
hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early";
wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";
-- CAI personality to use for hard difficulty
elseif difficulty_str == "hard" then
def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_hard";
hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_hard";
wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";
-- CAI personality to use for very hard difficulty
elseif difficulty_str == "very hard" then
def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_hard";
hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_hard";
wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";
-- CAI personality to use for legendary difficulty
elseif difficulty_str == "legendary" then
def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_hard";
hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_hard";
wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";
local faction_list = cm:model():world():faction_list();
for i = 0, faction_list:num_items() - 1 do
local faction = faction_list:item_at(i);
local faction_name = faction:name();
local faction_culture = faction:culture();
-- Checking whetether the faction exists and is alive
if faction:is_null_interface() == false and faction:is_dead() == false and faction:is_human() == false then
-- Dark Elves culture
if faction_culture == "wh2_main_def_dark_elves" then
-- Changing the CAI for all Dark Elf factions
cm:force_change_cai_faction_personality(faction_name, def_personality);
out("ELF: Changing CAI personality for " .. faction_name .. " to " .. def_personality .. " on " .. difficulty_str .. " difficulty");
-- High Elves culture
elseif faction_culture == "wh2_main_hef_high_elves" then
-- Changing the CAI for all High Elf factions
cm:force_change_cai_faction_personality(faction_name, hef_personality);
out("ELF: Changing CAI personality for " .. faction_name .. " to " .. hef_personality .. " on " .. difficulty_str .. " difficulty");
-- Wood Elves culture
elseif faction_culture == "wh_dlc05_wef_wood_elves" then
-- Changing the CAI for all Wood Elf factions
cm:force_change_cai_faction_personality(faction_name, wef_personality);
out("ELF: Changing CAI personality for " .. faction_name .. " to " .. wef_personality .. " on " .. difficulty_str .. " difficulty");
cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() replace_cai_difficulty() end);</nowiki>

Revision as of 07:23, 3 February 2021

A list of example scripts that can easily be copied, edited and then put into a mod.

Using Example Scripts

Unless otherwise stated these scripts go into a .pack file at `script/campaign/mod/?.lua`, replace ? with whatever your file name is.

Each script listed is self-contained - so you can use multiple of the example scripts in a single .lua file.

When using the scripts, please keep the credits at the top and don't remove comments. Comments are the text following -- or in a comment block denoted by --Text here .

Typically an example script will have a list of variables that should be changed to tailor the script to your particular mod, these will often have comments next to them explaining where you will find the keys or values from.

Example in the Replace Starting General example script, you have a line that reads 'local faction_name = "wh_main_emp_empire";'

This could instead be changed to 'local faction_name = "wh2_dlc11_vmp_the_barrow_legion";' to affect the Barrow Legion faction instead of The Empire.

If there are out() calls within the example script, you are encouraged to insert a unique text identifier, so you can find your unique output in the script logs using ctrl+f.

Example in the Replacing Starting General Script, replace REPLAC: with your unique identifier, maybe the starting letters of your discord username, or the mod name or the name of your cat, or something else unique to you.

Contributing new scripts

If you have some generic scripted functionality you think would be useful for the wider community, please consider adding it to the wiki here, or bring attention to it via Modding Discord in the channel for the wiki.

Add a new Sub-Heading 1 within the Example Scripts section below, give it a meaningful title and a short description. Include what games it is valid for and any specific notes necessary, ie. has to go in this directory, has to be done this way etc.

Avoid using global variables in the example scripts, use local variables and local functions to avoid incidents involving scripts that have overlapping names. Make sure to use comments explaining what the various parts of the script is doing or when referring to specific keys from the database, like where to find them. Context and explanation goes a long way towards helping make sense of the scripts for beginners.

If your script runs through a single init function that's triggered through a first tick callback, give the local function a meaningful name and implement the first-tick-callback, and leave it at that. No need to have the modder replace the local function name in their own replication.

Mind that plopping something in this page leaves it open for collaboration, so someone in the future may come in and add more comments, change anything necessary for an update, make an extra version for another game, or much else. If you're editing the original script, leave the credits the same, or add your name to the credits if you think the addition is meaningful. Don't remove the OG author for sure.

Example Scripts

Replacing a Starting General

	Script by Aexrael Dex
	Replaces the starting general for a specific faction

local function replace_starting_general()
	if cm:is_new_game() then
		-- The Empire
		local faction_name = "wh_main_emp_empire";		-- Faction key from Factions table
		local faction = cm:get_faction(faction_name);

		if faction:is_null_interface() == false and faction:is_dead() == false then

			-- Creating replacement for Karl Franz with a regular Empire General
			local general_details = {
				general_faction = faction_name,
				unit_list = "wh_main_emp_cav_reiksguard,wh_main_emp_cav_reiksguard,wh_main_emp_cav_reiksguard"; -- unit keys from main_units table
				region_key = faction:home_region():name(),
				type = "general",																				-- Agent type
				subtype = "emp_lord",																			-- Agent subtype
				forename = "names_name_1904032251",																-- From local_en names table, Bernhoff the Butcher is now ruler of Reikland
				clanname = "",																					-- From local_en names table
				surname = "names_name_151217003",																-- From local_en names table
				othername = "",																					-- From local_en names table
				is_faction_leader = true,																		-- Bool for whether the general being replaced is the new faction leader
				trait = "wh2_dlc09_trait_benevolence"															-- The trait key you want to assign to the new General from character traits table

			local general_x_pos, general_y_pos = cm:find_valid_spawn_location_for_character_from_settlement(general_details.general_faction, general_details.region_key, false, true, 8);
			out(faction_name .. " home region name is " .. general_details.region_key);


				-- Generals created this way does not come with a trait normally
					local char_str = cm:char_lookup_str(cqi);

					-- Adding a new trait to the above general
					cm:force_add_trait(char_str, general_details.trait, true);
					out("Adding Replacement General's trait");
			out("Created replacement Lord " .. general_details.forename .. " for " .. faction_name);

			-- Killing Karl Franz permanently
			local char_list = faction:character_list();
			local char_subtype = "emp_karl_franz"; -- Karl Franz's agent subtype
			local char_forename = "names_name_2147343849"; -- Karl Franz's forename

			for i = 0, char_list:num_items() - 1 do
				local current_char = char_list:item_at(i);
				local char_str = cm:char_lookup_str(current_char);

				if current_char:is_null_interface() == false and current_char:character_subtype_key() == char_subtype and current_char:get_forename() == char_forename and current_char:has_military_force() == true then
					cm:set_character_immortality(char_str, false);
					cm:disable_event_feed_events(true, "wh_event_category_character", "", "");
					cm:kill_character(current_char:command_queue_index(), true, true);
					cm:callback(function() cm:disable_event_feed_events(false, "wh_event_category_character", "", "") end, 0.5);
					out("Killing original " .. char_subtype .. " with forename " .. char_forename .. " for " .. faction_name .. " permanently");

cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() replace_starting_general() end);

Adding custom RoRs to mercenary pool

	Script by Aexrael Dex
	Adds custom Regiments of Reknown to specified factions

local function add_custom_ror()

	-- Checking whether the script has already run for saved games and if it has then the script doesn't need to run again
	if cm:get_saved_value("custom_ror_enabled") == nil then

		-- Table for faction, unit key and parameters for add_unit_to_faction_mercenary_pool
		local cror_list = {
			{faction_key = "wh_main_vmp_schwartzhafen", unit = "wh2_dlc11_cst_inf_zombie_deckhands_mob_ror_0", count = 1, rcp = 100, munits = 1, murpt = 0.1, xplevel = 0, frr = "", srr = "", trr = "", replen = true},
			{faction_key = "wh_main_vmp_vampire_counts", unit = "wh2_dlc11_cst_inf_zombie_deckhands_mob_ror_0", count = 1, rcp = 100, munits = 1, murpt = 0.1, xplevel = 0, frr = "", srr = "", trr = "", replen = true}

		-- Loop for the table above
		for i = 1, #cror_list do
			local faction_name = cror_list[i].faction_key;	-- Faction whose pool the unit(s) should be added to
			local faction = cm:get_faction(faction_name);	-- FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACE
			local unit_key = cror_list[i].unit;				-- Key of unit to add to the mercenary pool, from the main_units table
			local unit_count = cror_list[i].count;			-- Number of units to add to the mercenary pool
			local rcp = cror_list[i].rcp;					-- Replenishment chance, as a percentage
			local munits = cror_list[i].munits;				-- The maximum number of units of the supplied type that the pool is allowed to contain.
			local murpt = cror_list[i].murpt;				-- The maximum number of units of the supplied type that may be added by replenishment per-turn
			local xplevel = cror_list[i].xplevel;			-- The experience level of the units when recruited
			local frr = cror_list[i].frr;					-- (may be empty) The key of the faction who can actually recruit the units, from the factions database table
			local srr = cror_list[i].srr;					-- (may be empty) The key of the subculture who can actually recruit the units, from the cultures_subcultures database table
			local trr = cror_list[i].trr;					-- (may be empty) The key of a technology that must be researched in order to recruit the units, from the technologies database table
			local replen = cror_list[i].replen;				-- Allow replenishment of partial units

			-- Adding the listed unit to the listed faction in the above table
			cm:add_unit_to_faction_mercenary_pool(faction, unit_key, unit_count, rcp, munits, murpt, xplevel, frr, srr, trr, replen);

			-- Debug message for log
			out("CROR: adding the custom ror unit " .. unit_key .. " to " .. faction_name);

		-- Setting saved value, so that the script doesn't run again when reloaded from a saved game
		cm:set_saved_value("custom_ror_enabled", true);

cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() add_custom_ror() end);

Replacing Starting Armies

	Script by Aexrael Dex
	Replaces the starting units for specified starting Lords

local function army_tweaks()

	-- Checking whether it's a new game, we don't want to replace armies in the middle of a campaign
	if cm:is_new_game() then

		-- Creating a table with entries for the various starting Lords, their Faction key from Factions table, subtype key from agent_subtypes, Forename from names table and Unit List with keys from Main Units
		local starting_army = {
			-- Vlad, Carsteins
			{faction_key = "wh_main_vmp_schwartzhafen", subtype = "dlc04_vmp_vlad_con_carstein", forename = "names_name_2147345130", units = {"wh_main_vmp_inf_skeleton_warriors_0", "wh_main_vmp_inf_skeleton_warriors_0", "wh_main_vmp_mon_fell_bats", "wh_main_vmp_mon_fell_bats", "wh_main_vmp_cav_black_knights_0", "wh_main_vmp_cav_black_knights_0"}},
			-- Isabella, Carsteins
			{faction_key = "wh_main_vmp_schwartzhafen", subtype = "pro02_vmp_isabella_von_carstein", forename = "names_name_2147345124", units = {"wh_main_vmp_inf_zombie", "wh_main_vmp_inf_zombie", "wh_main_vmp_mon_dire_wolves", "wh_main_vmp_mon_dire_wolves", "wh_main_vmp_mon_fell_bats", "wh_main_vmp_mon_vargheists"}}

		for i = 1, #starting_army do
			local faction_name = starting_army[i].faction_key;
			local faction = cm:get_faction(faction_name);
			local char_list = faction:character_list();
			local general_subtype = starting_army[i].subtype;
			local general_forename = starting_army[i].forename;
			local unit_list = starting_army[i].units;

			for j = 0, char_list:num_items() - 1 do
				local current_char = char_list:item_at(j);
				local char_str = cm:char_lookup_str(current_char);

				if current_char:is_null_interface() == false and current_char:character_subtype_key() == general_subtype and current_char:get_forename() == general_forename and current_char:has_military_force() == true then

					-- Removing all existing units from the General
					out("ARMY: Removing starting units from " .. general_subtype .. " with forename " .. general_forename);

					for k = 1, #unit_list do
						local unit = unit_list[k];

						-- Granting new units to the General
						cm:grant_unit_to_character(char_str, unit);
						out("ARMY: Adding new starting units to " .. general_subtype .. " with forename " .. general_forename);

cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() army_tweaks() end);

Changing CAI based on chosen campaign difficulty

	Script by Aexrael Dex
	Replaces the Campaign AI Personality for specific factions depending on the chosen campaign difficulty level

local function replace_cai_difficulty()
	if cm:is_new_game() == true then
		local difficulty_str = cm:get_difficulty(true);
		local def_personality = "";
		local hef_personality = "";
		local wef_personality = "";

		-- CAI personality to use for easy difficulty
		if difficulty_str == "easy" then

			def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_easy";
			hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_easy";
			wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";

		-- CAI personality to use for normal difficulty
		elseif difficulty_str == "normal" then

			def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early";
			hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early";
			wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";

		-- CAI personality to use for hard difficulty
		elseif difficulty_str == "hard" then

			def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_hard";
			hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_hard";
			wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";

		-- CAI personality to use for very hard difficulty
		elseif difficulty_str == "very hard" then

			def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_hard";
			hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_hard";
			wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";

		-- CAI personality to use for legendary difficulty
		elseif difficulty_str == "legendary" then

			def_personality = "wh2_darkelf_early_hard";
			hef_personality = "wh2_highelf_early_hard";
			wef_personality = "wh_dlc05_wood_elves_default_main";

		local faction_list = cm:model():world():faction_list();

		for i = 0, faction_list:num_items() - 1 do
			local faction = faction_list:item_at(i);
			local faction_name = faction:name();
			local faction_culture = faction:culture();

			-- Checking whetether the faction exists and is alive
			if faction:is_null_interface() == false and faction:is_dead() == false and faction:is_human() == false then

					-- Dark Elves culture
				if faction_culture == "wh2_main_def_dark_elves" then

					-- Changing the CAI for all Dark Elf factions
					cm:force_change_cai_faction_personality(faction_name, def_personality);
					out("ELF: Changing CAI personality for " .. faction_name .. " to " .. def_personality .. " on " .. difficulty_str .. " difficulty");

					-- High Elves culture
				elseif faction_culture == "wh2_main_hef_high_elves" then

					-- Changing the CAI for all High Elf factions
					cm:force_change_cai_faction_personality(faction_name, hef_personality);
					out("ELF: Changing CAI personality for " .. faction_name .. " to " .. hef_personality .. " on " .. difficulty_str .. " difficulty");

					-- Wood Elves culture
				elseif faction_culture == "wh_dlc05_wef_wood_elves" then

					-- Changing the CAI for all Wood Elf factions
					cm:force_change_cai_faction_personality(faction_name, wef_personality);
					out("ELF: Changing CAI personality for " .. faction_name .. " to " .. wef_personality .. " on " .. difficulty_str .. " difficulty");

cm:add_first_tick_callback(function() replace_cai_difficulty() end);